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【 作者:ITlearner 更新时间:2013-11-17 | 字体:
[导读]Linode在前段分别升级了硬盘,升级了内存,升级了宽带后再一次升级,把硬盘容量翻倍。最低配VPS,$20/月,1G内存,48G空间、2T流量,性价比非常高了!尤其是2T流量几乎用不完。原标题:Storage Space Doubled!以下为...




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以下为原文:Storage Space Doubled!

We’re exceptionally pleased to announce we’re doubling the storage space on all of our plans, available immediately for new and existing customers.  Linode has implemented major upgrades to other resources recently: 8 cores and new processors, a 2x RAM increase, and the new redundant and fast network. This upgrade is yet another action in that spirit — giving you, our customers, ever more value with no price increase. That’s right. We’re doubling your disk space at no additional cost!
The new Linode lineup:

Linode 1GB disk space increased from 24GB to 48GB
Linode 2GB from 48GB to 96GB
Linode 4GB from 96GB to 192GB
Linode 8GB from 192GB to 384GB
Linode 16GB from 384GB to 768GB
Linode 32GB from 768GB to 1.5TB
Linode 40GB from 960GB to 1.875TB

How to upgrade
upgrade-availTo get the upgrade for your existing Linode, simply log into the Linode Manager and view your Linode’s Dashboard, where you’ll have a new “Upgrade Available” box on the right-hand side. Depending on the free capacity of your Linode’s host, the upgrade process may involve migrating your Linode to another host. This will be indicated on the upgrade page.
After you receive the resource upgrade, you can utilize the new space by resizing your existing disk images or by creating new images and attaching them to your configuration profile.

We really appreciate your business and are pleased we’re able to continually improve our services. Thank you, and enjoy!

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