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LunarPages 免费送的玉米如何修改信息

【 网络作者:佚名 更新时间:2007-07-25 | 字体:
[导读]LunarPages 免费送的玉米,如何修改Administrative Contact,需要联系客服修改。示范信:HelloI am a new customer of your company. my user name is:my email is:When I was ordering a hosting, I chose the doma...
LunarPages 免费送的玉米,如何修改Administrative Contact,需要联系客服修改。


I am a new customer of your company.
my user name is:
my email is:
When I was ordering a hosting, I chose the domain FreeTopOne.com for free. However, I can't edit any information of this domain. Please help me to edit "Administrative Contact" of the domain as I specify below:

Additionally, would you please tell me how to edit the information of the domain by myself, such as the url where to login to edit, the username , the password. In this way, I can edit it by myself fron now on.
Thank you!
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