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INF: SQL Server 2000 SP3 

【 Microsfot作者:佚名 更新时间:2006-08-29 | 字体:
[导读]SUMMARY When you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3), a Microsoft Windows user account named SQLDebugger is created. This article discusses the SQLDebugger account, including when the account...

When you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3), a Microsoft Windows user account named SQLDebugger is created. This article discusses the SQLDebugger account, including when the account is created, the default permissions that are assigned to the account, and when the account is used.

The SQLDebugger Windows user account is created when the SQL Debugger Registry2 DCOM server process (Sqldbreg2.exe) is registered. By default, SQL Server 2000 SP3 registers this process, and the SQLDebugger Windows user account is created.

SQL Query Analyzer includes T-SQL Debugger. By using T-SQL Debugger, you can control and monitor how stored procedures run. T-SQL Debugger uses the SQLDebugger Windows user account to connect to the database server.

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET applications use SQL Server Debugging to debug SQL Server stored procedures. The SQLDebugger Windows user account is also created when you install Visual Studio .NET.

Note The SQLDebugger account is created by using a strict random password policy for security purposes. If the password does not comply with the effective local password complexity policy, the SQLDebugger account is not created and the DCOM server is registered to run under the interactive user account. This prevents SQL Server Debugging from working correctly when you run Visual Studio .NET in the Terminal Services client session.

The SQLDebugger Windows user account has the following characteristics : • It belongs to the built-in Windows Users group.
• It does not have local logon rights.

Note The Deny logon locally security setting is set for the SQLDebugger account.
• You can log on to the SQLDebugger account by using a batch-queue facility.

Note The Log on as a batch job security setting is set for the SQLDebugger account.
• By default, the User cannot change password and Password never expires options are set.

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