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包含关键词 soap 的文章

1.创建SOAP Client的options参数解释

An array of options. If working in WSDL mode, this parameter is optional. If working in non-WSDL mode, you must set the location and uri options, where location is the URL to request and uri is the ta...


用PHP实现Soap通讯 近日用PHP实现Soap通讯,写了一些简单的方法:引用文字<?phpfunction HttpSoap($server, $port, $url, $namespace, $action, $data) {$fp = @fsockopen($server, $port);if (!$fp) {return FAL...

3.php soap 开发文档

一. 必备知识 1.wsdl(web服务标记语言) WSDL(网络服务描述语言,Web Services Description Language)是一门基于 XML 的语言,用于描述 Web Services 以及如何对它们进行访问。 具体参考请访问下面网址 http://www...
相关关键词: php 文档
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