
{html_select_time} is a custom function that creates time dropdowns for you. It can display any or all of hour, minute, second and meridian.

The time attribute can have different formats. It can be a unique timestamp, a string of the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or a string that is parseable by PHP's strtotime().

Attribute NameTypeRequiredDefaultDescription
prefixstringNoTime_What to prefix the var name with
timetimestampNocurrent timeWhat date/time to use
display_hoursbooleanNoTRUEWhether or not to display hours
display_minutesbooleanNoTRUEWhether or not to display minutes
display_secondsbooleanNoTRUEWhether or not to display seconds
display_meridianbooleanNoTRUEWhether or not to display meridian (am/pm)
use_24_hoursbooleanNoTRUEWhether or not to use 24 hour clock
minute_intervalintegerNo1Number interval in minute dropdown
second_intervalintegerNo1Number interval in second dropdown
field_arraystringNon/aOutputs values to array of this name
all_extrastringNonullAdds extra attributes to select/input tags if given
hour_extrastringNonullAdds extra attributes to select/input tags if given
minute_extrastringNonullAdds extra attributes to select/input tags if given
second_extrastringNonullAdds extra attributes to select/input tags if given
meridian_extrastringNonullAdds extra attributes to select/input tags if given

Example 8-21. {html_select_time}

{html_select_time use_24_hours=true}

At 9:20 and 23 seconds in the morning the template above would output:

<select name="Time_Hour">
<option value="00">00</option>
<option value="01">01</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="08">08</option>
<option value="09" selected>09</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="22">22</option>
<option value="23">23</option>
<select name="Time_Minute">
<option value="00">00</option>
<option value="01">01</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="19">19</option>
<option value="20" selected>20</option>
<option value="21">21</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="58">58</option>
<option value="59">59</option>
<select name="Time_Second">
<option value="00">00</option>
<option value="01">01</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="22">22</option>
<option value="23" selected>23</option>
<option value="24">24</option>
... snipped ....
<option value="58">58</option>
<option value="59">59</option>
<select name="Time_Meridian">
<option value="am" selected>AM</option>
<option value="pm">PM</option>

See also $smarty.now, {html_select_date} and the date tips page.